How Sheryl Sandberg’s Sharing Manifesto Drives Facebook – Bloomberg


After Sandberg became a widow and the single mother of a grade-school-age son and daughter, she was vulnerable in a way she couldn’t control. “If I believed before Dave died in bringing your whole self to work, what I learned after Option B is you have no choice,” she says during an interview at Facebook. “When your whole self is going through adversity and tragedy, that whole self comes to work.”

Ett djupt och ingående porträtt av en fantastisk människa. Och gissa om jag håller med om värdet av att vara 100% människa, av att inte dra hårda gränser mellan arbete och fritid, av att dela med sig i öppen transparens.

Källa: How Sheryl Sandberg’s Sharing Manifesto Drives Facebook – Bloomberg

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