Following a discussion on Facebook (where else ;) my good friend Micco Grönholm sent me these brilliant illustrations of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Obviously everybody loved them, and asked for copies – so here you go, free to use under CC BY 4.0.
In this folder you’ll find the original version, the negative version (both in eps and png) as well as animated versions for both Apple Keynote and Microsoft Powerpoint. Please note that attribution is not hard copied into the files, instead it would by appreciated if you in some reasonable manner add ”CC BY Micco Grönholm”, however possible. Send questions and comments to [email protected]

Thanks Micco. You rock 💜
Update: I did an episode in my daily pod, #ensakidag, on this very theme – watch or listen to it here. It’s in Swedish only, I’m afraid, as is this excellent deep dive into the effect from an episode of Dumma Människor.