Det kom ett mail: Publishing Genotyping Results

Det minnesgode minns säkert mitt experiment med 23andme och att publicera min genotype, min ”dna-profil”, publikt. Jag har tidigare vittnat om positiva effekter av den transparensen, och nu kom det ett nytt spännande mail.

I hope you don't see this kind of message as spam but i thought this could interest you: I found your contact details via the SNPedia where you are listed because you already published your genotyping results.

I'm a customer of 23andMe myself and I already published my genotyping results. Being a biologist with a litte background in bioinformatics myself, some friends (also biologists) and I decided to start a project that is dedicated to the collection of genotyping raw data from DTC-customers, along with their phenotypic information. We recently released our project, dubbed openSNP, into the wild. It now can be found at

As we only started about 1 1/2 weeks ago there are not that many users and files yet, but we hope that this will change over time. Basically, we built this site to create a central repository for genotypes from companies such as 23andme or deCODEme, annotated with the phenotypes the customers have provided us. But the site also parses PLoS, Mendeley and SNPedia for the newest literature results, so customers get to know more than the aforementioned companies tell them. This service is open source and completely free, we pay for server-costs out of our own pockets.

So if you are interested in this feel free to ask any questions or maybe sign up.

Have a nice week and again sorry for interrupting like this,
Bastian Greshake

Kolla in tjänsten openSNP och min profil där. Visst är det en spännande värld vi lever i. Och en djupt och fundamentalt fascinerande tid.

(IMG: Esther Dyson’s aunt Alice donating her body (well, at least her saliva!) to science…and to the Dyson family’s privacy-protected genetic repository, Esthr / Flickr / CC (BY)

3 thoughts on “Det kom ett mail: Publishing Genotyping Results”

  1. Vilket spännande inlägg! Glöm inte bort att det är donationsveckan nu!

    Om handkirurgen inte hade kunnat flytta nerver in i min arm hade jag varit halvförlamad i vänster arm. Jag skulle ha problem att skriva på dator, öppna filpaketet på morgonen, spela fiol och jonglera. Och jag hade definitivt inte kunnat göra en iSandwich!

    Tack vetenskapen för era framsteg! Därför donerar jag hela mig, alla organ och vävnader efter min död. Ta rubb och skrubb!


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