Det har varit en lång väntan, innan det här kunde berättas. Men nu är katten ur tunnan. Northzone och Creandum går in i Videoplaza med totalt 37 miljoner kronor.

Videoplaza är redan idag ett välmående bolag, svarta siffror sedan i höstas och med en helt fantastisk kundstock. Den här investeringen låter de stora planerna växlas ut. Det kommer att bli storartat. Sorosh pratar på (video), och styrelseledamot Torstensson skriver ett par rader.
Disclaimer: Jag har sedan tidigare en investering i bolaget och tillhör dess advisory board.
Lite citat från meddelandet som går ut idag.
London, UK, 18th March, 2010: Videoplaza, the European leader in ad serving technology for managing and monetising online video, today announced the completion of its US$5 million (€3.5 million) round of investment led by the Nordic´s two leading Venture Capital firms Creandum and Northzone.
“Video consumption today is changing substantially in its shift away from television. With technology that has been specially built for the online video environment, Videoplaza offers premium publishers the best means to monetise its most important video content” said Pär-Jörgen Pärson, General Partner at Northzone, “We are impressed with how fast Videoplaza has already penetrated the key European markets, where advertising is poised for exponential growth in the coming years”.
“All too often, publishers find themselves using legacy display ad servers to manage their video advertising inventory,” says Sorosh Tavakoli, Videoplaza Founder & CEO. “We recognise that most online video today is lacking the commercial dimension that only dynamic ad serving can provide. What is a nascent new TV market now promises to become an industry in its own right in years to come as more publishers look to unlock the value in their video offerings. The support that we now have from our Nordic investors will enable us to address this problem effectively and to drive the adoption of our platform for the benefit of publishers and advertisers all over Europe.”
Läs mer på ”Youtube nästa för Videoplaza”. Sorosh skriver själv: ”Why we raise 3,5M EUR and what it means to our clients”
Venturebeat, NewTeeVee, ArcticStartup, TechCrunch, IDG, PaidContent, RapidTVNews, TechOat,
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